Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hh is for Hands

Hands come in handy for hundreds of things . . .

here are a few from A to Z:

holding an Apple while you take a bite . . .

Buttoning buttons or Bouncing balls . . .

Clapping and Counting . . .

Digging in dirt (or sand)

Eating finger Food (or fingers!?)

Gripping the game controller

Hanging on

Holding Hands . . . signing "I love you" . . .

Juggling? . . . blowing Kisses . . .

Linking Legoes . . . Making Messes . . .

Opening the door . . . Petting your Puppy . . .
Playing Peek-a-boo or the Piano . . .

Quietly keeping them in your lap . . .

Raising it in class . . .

Splish splashing in the tub . . .

Tossing leaves

Unwrapping presents . . . Waving goodbye . . .

fiXing and miXing things . . . covering a Yawn . . .

Zipping up a Zipper . . . I could go on and on!

However, I'm sure you have one hundred and one

better things to do with your hands today.

So here's hoping you have a handy dandy day!

Hip Hip Hooray for Hands!

Love, Grandma

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