Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nn is for Notebooks

Notebooks are nice to have for numerous nifty projects. Long ago when I was a little girl, I remember getting brand new notebooks each new school year and trying to decide which color of notebook should go with each subject or class. I don't go back to school anymore . . . but I do go to "back to school" sales every year because who can resist buying new notebooks when they're so cheap! I use notebooks for lots of things. I have a green Christmas notebook almost completely full of pictures and projects and lists. I have a yellow cooking notebook stuffed with recipes to try. I have another yellow notebook divided into alphabet sections kind of like your Alpha-Books. I use notebooks to make "Number Notebooks" for little boys. I use notebooks to just doodle or write to-do lists. But my favorite thing to do with notebooks is make them into journals.

Once upon a time when your Mommies were little girls I gave them each a notebook/journal. Every Sunday afternoon (or whenever) we would sit around the kitchen table and write in them. When they were too little to write, they would tell me what to write and then they would draw a picture on the same page. As they got bigger, they would write some of the words and I would write the rest. Soon they were big enough to write in them all by themselves. (In case you're wondering, Shelly isn't writing in her journal in this picture. She is playing "office" and writing in some kind of notebook!)

Anyway--get a notebook, my friends. Ask your Mom or Dad to help you start writing in a journal. You could start by writing your name and age and a list of your favorite things on the first page. Draw a picture or glue of photo of yourself, too. Then every week or so you could write other bits and pieces about your life. Maybe, your Mommies would be nice enough to find their old "little girl" notebook/journals to show you.

Have a nice notebook day!

Love, Grandma


  1. Thank you mom! I love my notebook journals and started one with eddy when he was a baby. I need to write in them more to remember all the crazy things these cute kiddos do.

  2. Mom, Wade and I read your blog all the time, but I thought comments were only for those with a alphabet notebook. I definitely need to start a journal with Wade one of these days!
