Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mm is for M&Ms

M&Ms are mmmm mmmm good! At least I assume that's why 8 of my grandsons make at least one trip upstairs every single time they visit to turn the handle on this machine and get a tasty treat. Did you know that my Mom (Great-Grandma Hawkes) gave our family this machine a long time ago when your mommies still lived at our house? And did you know that your mommies probably did the very same thing you do now when they visited Grandma's house in Idaho? And last, but not least, did you know it is really called a gumball machine although neither my Mom or I have ever put put gumballs in it. I guess we like M&Ms better, too.

Well, now is your chance to win a whole lot of M&Ms without having to turn the handle a million times . . . or have Grandpa gripe about your chocolately hands and faces ! Just guess how many M&Ms you think are in this beatiful glass bottle and the closest guesser (or speediest guesser) will win the whole bottle.

Happy "How Many M&Ms" Day!

Love, Grandma


  1. Wade's guess is 194! (Actually he said two, but that's really the only number he knows so I gave him a little guidance!)

  2. Jack's also guessed 100 and I told him that was Eddy's guess so his second answer is 102!
