Monday, October 10, 2011

Gg is for Ghosts (Part 2)

After Grandma found all of the colorful ghosts, she wondered what on earth should she do to help them turn white before Halloween. So she called Grandpa. He suggested they eat lots and lots of caulifower. UGH! But Grandma and the little ghosts knew Grandpa can get pretty grouchy if ghostly grandsons aren't clean and white at his house. So guess what? Eddy, Brody, Ryan (or Wade), Jack and Zach ate big bowlfuls of cauliflower and this is what Grandpa saw when he came home from work!

The moral of this story is "don't sneak food without asking at Grandma's house" . . . or is the moral of this story "don't make Grandpa grouchy or he might make you eat a bowl of cauliflower!"

Have a great day my little ghostly grandsons!

Love, GrandmaPosted by Picasa

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