Monday, October 10, 2011

Gg is for Ghosts

Today I'm going to tell you a ghost story. As everyone knows, ghosts are white, and to stay white ghosts can only eat things that are white. They can drink milk and eat vanilla ice cream, marshmallows, cauliflower and coconut. One day five little ghosts went to visit their Grandma and horror of horrors, she had no milk, no vanilla ice cream, no marshmallows, absolutely nothing white to eat. She needed to go to the store pronto. Before she left, she told her little ghost grandsons not to eat anything while she was gone or something DREADFUL might happen. Then Grandma hurried off to the nearest grocery store.

But as you know, little ghosts can't go five minutes at Grandma's house without getting hungry. Eddy ghost was starving and when he saw a kiwi on the counter he gobbled it up and guess what happened? He turned green! The other ghosts looked at him and laughed. Eddy ghost felt terrible so he hid under Grandma's green couch. By this time Brody was hungry and quite upset Grandma didn't have any donette gems, so he decided to eat just one little purple grape. And what do you suppose happened? He turned purple! He was so embarrassed he ran upstairs and hid in the bathtub.

By now Ryan ghost (or was it Wade?) was thirsty. He looked in Grandma's refrigerator and saw some orange juice. He drank just one tiny sip, but guess what happened? He turned orange! . . . and he ran and hid in the toybox. Jack ghost's tummy was rumbling, too so he thought he would just take the teeniest, tiniest bite out of a strawberry. But you can probably guess what happened? He turned red! He ran out into the garage and hid in the red wagon.

Zach ghost is always hungry and he figured he was much smarter than the other ghosts. He looked in the freezer to see if there just might be a little bit of vanilla ice cream left. And there was some ice cream and it was almost vanilla. It was white with little brown pieces of chocolate in it. Zach didn't think that could hurt him so he ate one spoonful and became a chocolate chip ghost. And he hid in the only hiding place left--the cleaning closet.

When Grandma came home with two big sacks full of vanilla ice cream, jugs of milk, donette gems, marshmallows and coconut, she wondered why her house was so quiet. There were no ghost grandsons running and playing and shouting BOO. She knew something must be wrong and searched all over until she found this:

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1 comment:

  1. Very cute story Mom! And how in the world did you get the picture of those colorful ghosts on your blog?
