Friday, June 6, 2014

Reading Roadblock Red

When you reach a red section on your amazing summer reading
racetrack, please take a moment to complete this challenge:
Read a recipe!

Look in a cookbook . . . or a food magazine . . . or "The Friend"
. . . or your Mom's pinterest board . . . or even this blog
(click "Yummy Summer") . . . and
 find a recipe to prepare and eat. Upon successful completion
of this road block challenge, you may choose any letter car
 you want to place on the red section of your reading
racetrack--maybe a letter "R" for recipe . . . or a letter
your recipe starts with . . . or the letter "X" which is
always good for marking the spot.  Oh yes--and
you will be eligible for your first reading reward!

Happy recipe reading!
Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. We're on it! You can expect us to drop by with a delicious treat in the next few days!
