Friday, June 27, 2014

Reading Roadblock Orange

When you reach the orange section on your amazing summer
reading racetrack, it will be time to complete this challenge:

Read a poem!

Perhaps a poem by Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky
. . . or maybe a Mother Goose nursery rhyme. Or how
about a whole book of poetry like "Read Aloud Rhymes
for the Very Young" or "Here's a Little Poem". Oodles
of books filled with poems about puppies, pirates, and
everything under the sun are waiting for you in the
811 section of the library.

At my house I have a very old orange book of poems
that my Mom bought when she was in college. When
I was growing up, we always looked in this book
for poems to memorize when we had to do a 
 "special number" at Family Home Evening. So . . .

Read a poem and earn a reading reward from my
Suitcase of Summer Surprises.
Memorize a poem and earn a bonus reading reward
from my Suitcase of Summer Surprises.
Happy rhyme time!
Love, Grandma

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