Monday, June 16, 2014

Reading G's

There are good books galore about games, gardens, giants and
giraffes as well as grandmas, grandpas, groundhogs and gorillas!

George and Martha are two hilarious hippos in books that will
make you giggle by James Marshall. Goosie and Gertie
 are two funny ducks in another silly  series of books. And
Geronimo Stilton is a mouse who writes whisker licking good
adventure stories in his own series of books.

"The Genius Files" is a series by Dan Gutman about the
adventures of 12-year-old twins--Coke and Pepsi MacDonald.
An older, but classic series about brothers is
"The Great Brain" books by John D. Fitzgerald.
"Guys Read Library" is a book series
by Jon Scieszka whose mission is to get
reluctant readers (like guys) interested in good books.

Graphic novels are another popular genre of books filled
with pictures and words in comic book style panels to tell
a story. They are especially popular with young adults, but
there are graphic novels in the children's section of the library, too.

But of all these good books, I chose to read a book about a giant.
another classic by Roald Dahl: "The BFG"!
Good luck finding a good book to read!
Love, Grandma

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