Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Reading Roadblock Yellow

When you reach the yellow section on your amazing summer
reading racetrack, try this new challenge to earn another
reading reward from Grandma's Suitcase of Summer Surprises!

Visit the library!
Look for something you might like to read for the
amazing summer reading race, but consider looking
 around in different areas than you normally look.
Look for a DVD or a Book on CD to listen to or read
along with.  Look for a Graphic Novel or a magazine.
Look in the non-fiction section (where the books have
numbers on the spine) and find a book about an animal
. . . or a biography (which is the story of a real person)
. . . or a book about a country . . . or a book about
a sport . . . or a holiday book . . . or a how-to book.

If you don't already have one, get your very own
library card . . . or maybe attend a summer reading
program or a story time. You could even look for your
Grandma at the library (if you happen to be in Farmington
and if it happens to be Tuesday, Thursday or Friday!)
Happy library visit!
Love, Grandma

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