Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reading Q's

Snuggle under a quilt and read a book about quilts . . .
or quack . . . or queens. You could even read "Olivia and
the Fairy Princesses" by Ian Falconer. Olivia, the cute spunky
pig I love, believes there are too many ruffly, sparkly
 princesses around these days and she does not want
to be like everyone else. So what will she be?
Read this book and see. (hint: it begins with a "Q")

I love the illustrations and story in
"The Quiet Book" by Deborah Underwood.
But this summer I finally read the funny story
of "Ramona Quimby, Age 8" by Beverly Cleary.

If you're still wondering what to read for the letter "Q",
try reading a book with a "question" title:
"How Much is a Million?"  by David M. Schwartz
"What Do People Do All Day?"  by Richard Scarry
"Where's My Teddy?"  by Jez Alborough

Any more questions?
Love Grandma

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