Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Reading O's

Oh boy, there are a lot of books that begin with "Oh":
"Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss
"Oh, Were They Ever Happy" by Peter Spier
and "Oh, What a Busy Day!" by Gyu Fujikawa

"Once upon a time . . ." stories are ever so abundant, too
plus "Once There Were Giants" and
"Once Upon a Golden Apple" books.

Not only that, but you could read a book about my favorite
"O" character: Olivia (who is a spunky pig) or you could
read "Olive the Other Reindeer" --a Christmas story.
You could read about oceans, octopus, owls, or origami
. . . even the "Origami Yoda" series by Tom Angelberger

"Beautiful Oops! is a cute picture book with this moral:
"It's ok to make a mistake. In fact, hooray for mistakes!
A mistake is an adventure in creativity."

I read and loved "The Ordinary Princess" by M.M. Kaye
but maybe you would prefer reading "Over in the Meadow"--
an old counting rhyme book by David A. Carter.
"Outside the Box" is a book of funny poems
by Karma Wilson like this one about oatmeal:
"As mooshy, gooshy, squishy goo?
It's awful stuff to eat.
As crunchy, munchy cookie bliss?
Oatmeal's a wonderful treat.

Of course, the easiest way to earn a letter "O" on your
amazing summer reading racetrack, might just be to read outside!

Oh, what a wonderful day to read!
Love, Grandma

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