Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hh is for Hearts

February is heart month
The most important heart you have is beating inside your chest and you should take good care of it this month and every month. But we are using the shape of a heart to make or do one little thing each day during this week of a hundred hearts!

Day Seven:
With a heart-shaped cookie cutter
you can create all kinds of sweet treats or . . .

. . . you can guess how many marshmallow hearts
are in this jar and win a sweet treat!

Day Six:
With one purple heart, four lavendar hearts,
one white heart and one tiny pink heart
you can make a bunny rabbit.
(Cut one of the lavendar hearts in half to make the rabbit's ears.)

Day Five:
With one big green heart, three small light green hearts,
a small black circle and a bigger blue circle,
you can create a seal balancing a ball on his nose.

Day Four:
With two pink hearts, one paper covered toilet paper tube,
one pipe cleaner bent in half and curled and some hearts stickers,
you can build a beautiful butterfly!

Day Three:
With three gray hearts and one gray rectangle
you can create an elephant.
Cut one heart in half to make the elephant ears.

Day Two:
With one light blue heart, two dark blue hearts,
one small blue heart and one pink shape
you can make a puppy!

Day One:
With one yellow heart and two orange hearts
you can create a lion.

Happy Week of a Hundred Hearts!
Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Jack guesses 50 marshmallow hearts and Ryan guesses 55!
