Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ff is for February Finals

February has an extra day!Did you know that February 28 is National Tooth Fairy Day? I don't know if you have ever been visisted by her yet, but celebrate all her hard work by brushing AND flossing your teeth today! Did you also know that in most years February only has 28 days, except this year (and every fourth year) February has 29 days. So now you have one extra day to check off a few more February alpha-adventures!

During February did you make some animal art . . . have a "hearty" breakfast (lunch or dinner) . . . create a dog or an elephant out of hearts . . . figure out if the groundhog saw his shadow . . . hug someone . . . hunt for hearts in your house . . . say "I love you" . . . eat some jiggly jello . . . kiss mommy or daddy . . . write a love list . . . mail someone a valentine . . . notice how many marshmallows were in Grandma's glass jar (103--which makes Jack's plus Ryan's guess the closest!) . . . find any presidents' faces on money . . . read the "Queen of Hearts" or any other story about valentines . . .lose a tooth or brush your teeth . . . give away any Xs or Os . . . or take a snoozzzze? Write down a letter for each alphabet adventure you had this month and get ready to leap into a new month!

Happy final days of February!
Love, Grandma

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