Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ww is for White

January is white


It snowed Saturday!

It was so fun to wake up to white covering everything in sight,

I thought you might like to celebrate the color white by

having a white day sometime this month.

You could wear a white shirt, shoes and socks . . . you could be happy you don't have to wear a white shirt 6 out of 7 days a week like Grandpa . . . you could eat all kinds of white food like marshmallows, milk, mashed potatoes, popcorn, vanilla ice cream and powdered donette gems . . . you could fold a piece of plain white paper and cut it into a snowflake . . . you could create a "white" collage in Chapter Ww of your Alpha-Book . . . you could play in something white--either snow or bubble bath bubbles . . . or you could go on a "white elephant" hunt. A white elephant is a toy you no longer want or any other silly item. If you find one, wrap it up, and the next time all the cousins get together we could have a "white elephant" gift exchange.

Have a wonderful white day!

Love, Grandma

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