Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jj is for Jack

January 24 is Jack's birthday
When I was one I had just begun,
When I was two I was nearly new,
When I was three I was hardly me,
When I was four I was not much more,
When I was five I was barely alive.
But now I am six! As clever as clever!
And I think I'll stay six forever and ever!
--A.A. Milne

Jump for joy! Jack just turned six! Do you know six things about Jack?
Answer this quick quiz:
1. What is Jack's favorite book?
Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever
2. What is Jack's favorite color?
3. What is Jack's favorite food?
Chicken nuggets
4. What is Jack's favorite show?
Phineas and Ferb
5. What is one wish of Jack's?
Go to Disneyland
6. What does Jack want to be when he grows up?
Construction worker

Happy Birthday Jack!
Love, Grandma


  1. oh boy, here are eddy's answers:
    1. "If Cutie Lost His Family" (This is a story Eddy made up last night at bedtime.)
    2. black
    3. apples or carrots or maybe pears
    4. Mickey Mouse
    5. He might wish for the Dragon book on top of your shelfari
    6. a LION!

    Pretty sure Eddy just aced that quiz!

  2. Eddy's answers may not be exactly the right answers, but you other boys will have a hard time coming up with anything more creative.
