Monday, January 23, 2012

Cc is for Chinese New Year

January 23 is the first day of the Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday of the year in faraway countries like Hong Kong, China, Korea and Taiwan. It is sort of like New Years Day, Christmas and the Fourth of July all rolled into one holiday and it usually lasts at least 10 days! The ancient Chinese calendar is made up of 12-year cycles, and a name is given to each year in the cycle. Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is a factor in determining that person's personality traits. So . . .

. . . if you were born in the year of the snake like Aunt Emily and Zach--you are strong-willed and very intense, wise and determined to achieve your goals. If you were born in the year of the horse like Aunt Shelly--you are hard working, independent and good with money! If you were born in the year of the sheep like me--you are gentle, sensitive, creative and have a well-balanced yin and yang (whatever that means!) Monkeys are clever, intelligent and able to influence people. If you were born in the year of the rooster like Brody--you are constantly seeking wisdom and truth, hate to fail and are almost always right! If you were born in the year of the dog like Aunt Betsy and Jack--you are loyal, honest, helpful and work really well with others.
If you were born in the year of the pig like Uncle Brandt, Coltin and Eddy--you love bacon! No not really . . . you are strong, possess much endurance and will sacrifice anything for the welfare of your family. If you were born in the year of the rat (mouse) like Uncle Tom and Ryan--you are polite, imaginative and persistent in overcoming obstacles.. If you were born in the year of the ox like Uncle Keoni, Uncle Brady, Luke and Wade--you are born leaders who inspire confidence in others, logical and patient.

If you were born in the year of the tiger like Lindsay Lu--you are competitive, optimistic, and cry at sad movies. If you were born in the year of the rabbit like Owen and Nash--you are affectionate, yet shy and seek peace and tranqulity. And if you were born in the year of the dragon like Grandpa, Uncle J.P. and Aunt Hayley--you are lucky, strong, courageous and have the potential for accomplishing great things. This year is the year of the dragon-- supposedly the best year of all to be born! ( just in case anybody is interested in giving me a 12th grandchild.)

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Love, Grandma

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