Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ss is for Summer

Winter . . . spring . . . summer . . . fall
There are seasons . . . four in all.
Weather changes . . . sun and rain and snow
Leaves fall down . . . and flowers grow!

Last week it snowed one day. This weekend it rained. And later this week it will get hot! It's like we've had three seasons in just one week.

But since most of you are out of school now, and already starting your summer activities . . . let's pretend today is the first day of summer.

Sing a song of summer! (see "Oo is for Oh" post) then look at four seasons books like the cute picture books shown here. They are by the same author and illustrator as "Mouse's First Valentine" . . . "Mouses' First Halloween" . . . and "Mouse's First Christmas" which are board books some of you boys have at home.

Don't forget to glue the Ss puzzle pieces in Chapter Ss of your Alpha-Book, too. (I'm sorry, Jack, I'm so slow sending you your puzzle pieces . . . but I'll see you this weekend with them!)

Have a Ssssssuper summer!
Love, Grandma

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