Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pp is for Puzzles

Grandpa and I love to do puzzles. We did our first puzzle together just before the Christmas we got engaged. Now we have a colorful collection of over 70 puzzles in the top of our closet. But they don't just sit there collecting dust. We have put together most of our puzzles at least twice . . . and some puzzles, like the Christmas ones, many times.

Once upon a time 1,000 pieces ended up on the floor after an unexpected little person visited. But so far, we haven't lost many pieces.

Just for fun I have a puzzle project for you this summer.
The next time I see you I will give you a little present with 52 puzzle pieces inside. Each time I post an alphabet activity this summer, look for the puzzle piece with the same letter and the matching picture puzzle piece. Color and glue the puzzle pieces in the matching chapter of your Alpha-Book.

Happy puzzle piecing!
Love, Grandma

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