Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vv is for Vacation

I love to go on vacations. I also love to bring home a souvenir or two as a reminder of interesting places and good times. Sometimes it is just a postcard or Christmas ornament. Sometimes it has been a birdcage or teapot. Great-Grandma Hawkes liked to collect mugs from every state and country she visited. She had a big collection she kept all together on shelves in her home. Recently, I started a vacation collection, too . . . picture books from the places I've visited. One of my favorite books is pictured above. I got it last fall from guess where?
"Counting Our Way to Maine" is about a family going on a vacation to Maine with babies, dogs and bicyles to pack; bathrooms to stop at and ice cream cones to eat; sandcastles to build, blueberries to pick, and clams to dig up . . . and a lot of counting on the way!
Guess what?! Very soon you'll be going on vacation, too
so maybe you should pack up a few of your favorite books to look at on the way.
Have a Vvvvvery fun vacation!
Love, Grandma

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