Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hh is for Houses

a poem by Jean Conder Soule
I live in a house with windows and doors,
Ceilings and walls, and carpeted floors.
But not all houses are built like mine.
Some houses, you know, have a different design.

For instance, the cows on my grandfather's farm
All live in a barn to be safe from harm.
(Of course this isn't a barn and cows don't live here.
Who does live in this house?)

A bird's house is high up on a limb
He lives in a nest just right for him.
(There is a birdhouse in this back yard,
but who lives inside this house?)

Pigs like to wallow in muddy pens,

And out in the woods bears live in dens.

In addition to the boy who makes excellent pig noises, who lives in this house?

Foxes are safe in their hideaway holes

And so are badgers, rabbits and moles.

Who lives in this hideaway house?

But of all these houses, both large and small,

I like the one I live in best of all!

And who lives here?

Your homework assignment today is to play "hide-and-seek" inside your house . . . then run all the way around the outside of your house . . . then draw a picture of your house (and glue the other Hh things) in Chapter Hh of your alpha-book. Maybe you could even write your house numbers down and start learning your address!?

Happy "home sweet home"

Love, Grandma

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