Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gg is for Green

Did you know green is the national color of Ireland?
Shamrocks and leprechauns are green . . .
so are turtles, frogs, emeralds and
the Incredible Hulk.
Green means "GO"

Green reminds me of spring as the grass turns green
and green things start popping out of the ground
Grandpa has a green thumb . . .
Grandma drives a green car.
We once lived in a house with a green front door.

I like to eat green things like asparagus, broccoli,
kiwi fruit and just picked peas,
but I have never eaten green eggs and ham.
Betsy has greenish eyes and Wade has a green bedroom.
Emily's and Great Grandma Hawkes' favorite color is green.

Today seems like a good day to wear green . . .
eat something green . . . and maybe even make a
green collage in Chapter Gg of your Alpha-Book.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Love, Grandma


  1. Happy Birthday, Grandma! We love the green background today!

  2. Happy Birthday Mom. Can I just say how impressed Eddy and I were that you had a green background, three new green pictures, one not even clipart, new books on your shelf, and not even one phone call! You are a blogging queen.
