Monday, March 8, 2010

Gg is for Guessing Game

It was great having all eight grandsons over for a visit last Saturday.

So this post is all about you boys!

Guess which little grandson Grandma or Grandpa

is holding in these pictures . . .

Then guess what the fabulous grand prize gift is

for the person or persons with the best guesses. Happy guessing! Love, Grandma


  1. A-Brody B-Wade C-Zach D-Luke E-Ryan F-Jack G-Eddy H-Coltin!?!
    Whoo-hoo! Sorry sisters that I'm on the Internet first thing in the morning, but don't copy my answers--I mean Jack's! His guess for the gift is a Transformer (more like wishful thinking)!

  2. A- Brody, B-Wade, C-Zach, D-Luke, E-Ryan, F-Jack, G-Eddy, H-Coltin!
    I promise I didn't copy Shelly, I wrote down my answers before I even saw her comment. As for what is the gift, I have no idea. Maybe a game, or a book?

  3. Booyah, Betsy! Only kidding. I sat here and figured out the answers without even thinking I could have just cheated! Brody, Wade, Zach, Lukers, Ryan, Jack, Eddy, Coltin. Brody's guess for the gift..."I don't know but I want to go to Grandma's and open it!" Something that starts with "G," right?!

  4. Excuse me Emily, I was busy helping nuture young minds so I couldn't post right away, but I didn't even cheat, I wrote down my answers and they are all the same as above. The gift guess, something that starts with Gg sounds smart, maybe a gift bag filled with goodies. And why is there only two?!

  5. Oh me . . . oh my . . . a four way tie. Whatever will I do? I could award the gift based on the guess to the last question (Hayley was the closest, although I liked Jack's and Brody's answers) . . . I could do a random drawing . . . I could add two more prizes . . . I could ask for all of your advice. . . but who ever read comments to comments? Just wondering?

  6. I read your comment to the comment. I should get the prize!!

  7. Ooh-smartypants Betsy. I too am commenting on the comments. Award away Grandma--Emily/Brody should get something for not being last!

  8. I Think the prize should go to the only son-in-law that checks Grandma's Alpha Blog. That would be me.
