Monday, March 29, 2010

Ii is for I Spy

I was wandering through my house on an alphabet hunt
and I spied with my little eye:
A delicious red fruit that starts with Aa
Something to look at or read that starts with Bb
A time-telling device hanging on the wall that starts with Cc
Something to put food on or in that starts with Dd
Something to crack and cook . . .
or decorate for Easter that starts with Ee
Beautiful growing things in our garden that start with Ff
(or Dd is you want to get technical)
A cute tin animal decoration sitting on the table that starts with Gg
Something to put clothes on inside the closet that starts with Hh
And a glass of cold, frosty cubes that start with Ii
What did I spy?
Now it's your turn to go on an alphabet hunt in your house.
Tell me what you find and I just might give you an
incredibily fabulous prize.
Happy "I spying"!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Thank you very much
for the happy
birthday present.
The next time
you come to our
house to say "hi"
we will give you a ride!

Hh is for Houses

a poem by Jean Conder Soule
I live in a house with windows and doors,
Ceilings and walls, and carpeted floors.
But not all houses are built like mine.
Some houses, you know, have a different design.

For instance, the cows on my grandfather's farm
All live in a barn to be safe from harm.
(Of course this isn't a barn and cows don't live here.
Who does live in this house?)

A bird's house is high up on a limb
He lives in a nest just right for him.
(There is a birdhouse in this back yard,
but who lives inside this house?)

Pigs like to wallow in muddy pens,

And out in the woods bears live in dens.

In addition to the boy who makes excellent pig noises, who lives in this house?

Foxes are safe in their hideaway holes

And so are badgers, rabbits and moles.

Who lives in this hideaway house?

But of all these houses, both large and small,

I like the one I live in best of all!

And who lives here?

Your homework assignment today is to play "hide-and-seek" inside your house . . . then run all the way around the outside of your house . . . then draw a picture of your house (and glue the other Hh things) in Chapter Hh of your alpha-book. Maybe you could even write your house numbers down and start learning your address!?

Happy "home sweet home"

Love, Grandma

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gg is for Green

Did you know green is the national color of Ireland?
Shamrocks and leprechauns are green . . .
so are turtles, frogs, emeralds and
the Incredible Hulk.
Green means "GO"

Green reminds me of spring as the grass turns green
and green things start popping out of the ground
Grandpa has a green thumb . . .
Grandma drives a green car.
We once lived in a house with a green front door.

I like to eat green things like asparagus, broccoli,
kiwi fruit and just picked peas,
but I have never eaten green eggs and ham.
Betsy has greenish eyes and Wade has a green bedroom.
Emily's and Great Grandma Hawkes' favorite color is green.

Today seems like a good day to wear green . . .
eat something green . . . and maybe even make a
green collage in Chapter Gg of your Alpha-Book.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Love, Grandma

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gg is for Guessing Game

It was great having all eight grandsons over for a visit last Saturday.

So this post is all about you boys!

Guess which little grandson Grandma or Grandpa

is holding in these pictures . . .

Then guess what the fabulous grand prize gift is

for the person or persons with the best guesses. Happy guessing! Love, Grandma