Saturday, December 26, 2015

Guess who's eight?

Take a break from playing with all your new Christmas toys to learn
eight facts about someone turning eight years old today:

1. He is the oldest child in his family
with one sister and one brother.
2. He is in the second grade and 
lives and breathes math facts.
3. His favorite books are the Diary of a Wimpy
Kid books and books by Roald Dahl.
4. He likes to make up his own jokes.
5. His favorite foods are shrimp and pot stickers.
6. However, his all-time greatest foods are his
Dad's syrup and his Mom's lemonade.
7. He likes to make lunch for the family and
his specialty is ramen noodles.
8. He has an extreme dislike for Costco!

And now find eight Eddys in this collage!

(Two eight-year-olds in this collage are not the birthday boy)

Happy Birthday Eddy!
Love, Grandma

Thursday, December 24, 2015

P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-XYZ Christmas Countdown

The final Christmas countdown pictures are complete
which means it must be Christmas Eve!

P is for peppermint . . .

Q is for quilt . . .

R is for reindeer . . .

S is for snowman . . .

T is for toys

U is for unwrap . . .

V is for village . . .

W is for wreath . . .

and x . . . y . . . z
Z is for Zach!

Thank you one and all for the
wonderful artwork and
Merry Christmas to all and
to all a goodnight!

Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O Christmas Countdown

Ten more Alpha-Bingo Christmas Countdown
pictures are hanging on my advent calendar wall
leaving less than ten days until Christmas!

F is for flake of snow

G is for gingerbread man

H is for hot chocolate
I is for icicle
J is for Jack Frost
K is for Kris Kringle
L is for lights
M is for mistletoe
N is for North Pole
and O is for ornament . . .

Merry Christmas Countdown!
Love, Grandma

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A-B-C-D-E Christmas Countdown

The first five days of the Alpha-Bingo Christmas
Countdown are now hanging on my wall.

A is for angel
B is for itty bitty bells
C is for candy cane
D is for "deck the halls"
and E is for evergreen tree!

Merry 20 days until Christmas!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


A is for alphabet artwork created by all of you!
B is for bingo . . . and C is for Christmas Countdown.

Put them altogether and the days of December leading
up to Christmas will fly by in no time. Check Instagram
for the very first picture for the very first day of December.

Merry Christmas Countdown!
Love, Grandma

Friday, November 20, 2015

Pp is for Party Boy

These three little boys (and a few of their cousins)
will be coming to a pie party at Grandma's house today
and opening an early Christmas present . . .

But only one of these little boys just turned three
years old and is opening birthday presents today.

Guess who?
Here's a few clues:

1. His favorite outside things are riding his bike
and getting pushed on the swing.
2. His favorite inside things are watching shows
like Curious George and Mater. He loves to
wrassle, snuggle, but under no condition
will he tolerate kisses!
3. And when he grows up he would like to be
a cowboy and drive a tractor  and ride a

Happy Birthday Party Boy!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ss is for Someone's Birthday

A very nice aunt of yours has a birthday in November
When she was almost ten years old (like her son, Jack)
her youngest sister was born. She has always loved babies!

When she was 7 years old (like Ryan)
she had a pretty great Christmas.
 And when she was 4 years old (like Nash)
she looked as good in hats as her sons do.

Now she is the busy Mom to some very
busy ball-loving boys!

Happy Birthday Shelly!
Love, Mom

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Oo is for October 31

Happy Halloween to all of my favorite
creatures, cowboys, spooks, super heroes . . .
 and one little lady who will be celebrating
her very first Halloween today!

your Grandmummy

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bb is for Birthday Boys

Today is the birthday of two fine boys pictured below.

Four fun facts you might like to know about one of these boys:

1. He likes to play baseball and wrestle with his Dad.
2. He likes pizza, spaghetti and sushi samples from Smith's
. . . and he loves soda a little too much especially root beer.
3. He likes shows like Curious George and Paw Patrol.
4. He started preschool this year and is four years old today!

Top ten facts you might like to know about the other boy:

1. His hobbies are playing video games and exercising.
2. He likes pancakes and cooking scrambled eggs.
3. He loves animals, especially Coco.
4. His favorite book at the moment is "Bunnicula".
5.. He can do like a 100 multiplication problems in only 5 minutes!
6. He likes watching Netflix.
7. His favorite movie is "Avengers Age of Ultron".
8. He loves science and would like to be a pediatrician
when he grows up.
9. He likes to earn money to save to buy his own camera.
10. He is in the fourth grade and is 10 years old today!

Happy Birthday Boys!
Love, Grandma

Monday, October 5, 2015

Guess Who Times Two

Guess what?
It's less than a week until two more birthdays!
Whose could they be?
Could it be two boys . . . or two girls . . . or one of each?

Could it be someone small . . .  or someone tall
. . . or someone in between?
Could it be someone  2 years old . . . 4 years old . . .
5 years old . . . 10 years old  . . . or a teenager?
Could it be someone who plays baseball . . . or plays the piano?
Could it be someone who like planets . . .
or popcorn . . . or pizza?

Could it be someone who has big brothers
. . . or little brothers . . . or a sister?
Could it be you?
It could be two of you . . . on the same day!

Happy guessing until next week!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Birthday Guess Who?

Check out this collage of
7 cousins
6 boys
5 readers
4 athletes
3 first graders
2 six-year-olds
and 1 brand new
7-year-old who
loves baseball, basketball, the color blue,
steak, brownies and ice cream, legos, drawing,
first grade and helping at home!

Happy Birthday Guess Who?
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hh is for a Happy Birthday Girl

For the third week in a row it's the birthday of one of your cute aunts.

When this aunt was about the same age as her
4-year-old little boy, Owen,  she had fun at the
Coral Pink Sand Dunes on a family vacation.

When she was in between the age of her two
boys, she got a lovely beauty salon for Christmas!
(even though she did not like to have her hair done)

And when she was about six years old like her
oldest son, Wade, she didn't have to steal (borrow)
the neighbors' bikes anymore when she finally got
her very own (only once owned by Tom) bike!

Now she is the cute mom of a whole family of bike
riders who all have their very own bikes!

Happy Birthday Hayley!
Love, Mom 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ee is for Another Birthday Girl

Another one of your cute aunts is having a birthday--
today in fact!

This is a picture of her on the first day of
 first-grade just before she turned six years
old--the same age of her first-grader son, Luke.

This is a picture of her just a few days before
she turned 10 years old--the same age her
son, Brody, will be in October!

And this is a picture of her when she was 13 years old
and had just bought this nice black bike with her very
own hard-earned money. I did not think she would
want me to put a picture of her when she had the
chicken pox, which is what happened to her when she
was 14 years old like her oldest son, Zach.

And this is a picture of your cute aunt who grew
up in a household of mostly girls and now lives
in a household of a lot of boys!

Happy Birthday Emily!
Love, Mom

Monday, August 31, 2015

Bb is for Birthday Girl

The doodle days of summer are over and now birthday season
has arrived! Today is the birthday of someone special--not
one of your cousins, but one of your cute aunts!

This is a picture of her when she was about the same age as
her seven-year-old son, Eddy, who just started 2nd grade.
Looks like they got glasses at about the same age.

This is a picture of her on her very first day of
kindergarten--the same day she turned 5 years old!
Her daughter, Lindsay turned 5 years old just a few
days before her first day of kindergarten this year, too.

And this is a picture of her at about the same age
as her three-year-old son, Parker. Please don't
get eight stitches above your eye just before
your third birthday, Parker.

This is a picture of that cute girl all grown up
with three cute kids of her own!

Happy Birthday Betsy!
Love, Mom

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

XYZ is for The End

 XYZ is the end of the alphabet and this is almost the end of the
Doodle Days of Summer because soon it will be the first day of
school for some of you including . . .
one little person who has an August Birthday and is Cute,
Daring, Eddy's little sister, Fun-loving, Granddaughter #1
and a Happy, Independent, Juicy, Kindergarten Kid
 and Loud, Little Lady who is also a Mother-hen, Nice,
Parker's big sister, and a Quilt-snuggling Rascal who is
 Sassy, Talks alot and has Unending Vim and Vigor and
Wonders when this list will ever end!

Before your back-to-school homework piles up, and 
before the Suitcase of Summer Surprises is totally empty,
maybe you could write one last list in your Doodle Book
of the ABCs of you!

Happy back-to-school all and . . .
Happy Belated Birthday Lindsay Lu!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Qq is for Questions

How many states have you colored
on your U.S.A. map in your doodle book?
Would you like to color a few more?

Can you find and color the state where
Mount Rushmore is located?
Can you find and color the state where Grandpa
saw the Liberty Bell?

Can you find and color the state where Grandpa
and I rode in a "jammer" through Glacier
National Park last summer?

Can you find and locate two different states where
we have seen tulip fields and a Tulip Festival?

Can you find and color the state where we went
to a Hot Air Balloon Festival?

Do you need a few clues to help you in guessing
which states to color?

Grandpa and I are on a quest to visit all 50 states in the U.S.A.
Can you guess how many we have been to so far?
The correct guess just might be worth a bonus treat from
the Suitcase of Summer Surprises!

Have a happy day in the U.S.A!
Love, Grandma