Monday, October 5, 2015

Guess Who Times Two

Guess what?
It's less than a week until two more birthdays!
Whose could they be?
Could it be two boys . . . or two girls . . . or one of each?

Could it be someone small . . .  or someone tall
. . . or someone in between?
Could it be someone  2 years old . . . 4 years old . . .
5 years old . . . 10 years old  . . . or a teenager?
Could it be someone who plays baseball . . . or plays the piano?
Could it be someone who like planets . . .
or popcorn . . . or pizza?

Could it be someone who has big brothers
. . . or little brothers . . . or a sister?
Could it be you?
It could be two of you . . . on the same day!

Happy guessing until next week!
Love, Grandma

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