Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ee is for Another Birthday Girl

Another one of your cute aunts is having a birthday--
today in fact!

This is a picture of her on the first day of
 first-grade just before she turned six years
old--the same age of her first-grader son, Luke.

This is a picture of her just a few days before
she turned 10 years old--the same age her
son, Brody, will be in October!

And this is a picture of her when she was 13 years old
and had just bought this nice black bike with her very
own hard-earned money. I did not think she would
want me to put a picture of her when she had the
chicken pox, which is what happened to her when she
was 14 years old like her oldest son, Zach.

And this is a picture of your cute aunt who grew
up in a household of mostly girls and now lives
in a household of a lot of boys!

Happy Birthday Emily!
Love, Mom

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