Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Qq is for Questions

How many states have you colored
on your U.S.A. map in your doodle book?
Would you like to color a few more?

Can you find and color the state where
Mount Rushmore is located?
Can you find and color the state where Grandpa
saw the Liberty Bell?

Can you find and color the state where Grandpa
and I rode in a "jammer" through Glacier
National Park last summer?

Can you find and locate two different states where
we have seen tulip fields and a Tulip Festival?

Can you find and color the state where we went
to a Hot Air Balloon Festival?

Do you need a few clues to help you in guessing
which states to color?

Grandpa and I are on a quest to visit all 50 states in the U.S.A.
Can you guess how many we have been to so far?
The correct guess just might be worth a bonus treat from
the Suitcase of Summer Surprises!

Have a happy day in the U.S.A!
Love, Grandma

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