Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aa is for America

Did you know you live in a great country called the United States of America . . . and this Sunday will be America's birthday! So sing Happy Birthday to the U.S.A. and look for other ways to celebrate the holiday in this cute picture book.

You could also wear red, white and blue on the Fourth of July . . . and make a fruit flag!

Have an Aaaaawsome holiday!

Love, Grandma

P.S. . . Guess what state that begins with the letter Aa I am in right now?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ww is for Worm

If you are looking for more creepy creature reading this week, try a silly book called "Diary of a Worm". Doreen Cronin wrote this book and "Diary of a Spider" and "Diary of a Fly".

And if all that reading makes you as hungry as a caterpillar, try making some wiggle worms or creeping caterpillars for a snack!

Have a Wwwwonderful week!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cc is for Caterpillar

My very most favorite bug book is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. If you don't own this book, you must tell me so I can give you one someday.

After you read this book, why don't you create a caterpillar in Chapter Cc of your Alpha-Book . . . or draw a beautiful butterfly in Chapter Bb of your book . . . or find some other butterfly or caterpillar project to create from the Beautiful Butterflies and Cute Caterpillars gallery.

Have a Ccreative day,
Love, Grandma

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bb is for Bugs

It seems like there are more bugs around in the summertime. I once found two fun books abouts bugs at the library.
Cute bugs are featured in the illustrated insect album called "Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!" by Bab Barner. "Ugh! A Bug" by Mary Bono shows that not all bugs are bad.

Find some books about bugs to read this summer . . . or watch "A Bugs' Life" . . . or make some binoculars.

Cover two toilet paper tubes with paper or paint. Staple them together side by side. Attach a string so you can wear them around your neck, then use them on your next bug hunt.

Have a Bbbbeautiful day!

Love, Grandma

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dd is for Daddy

Sing this song (to the tune of "B-I-N-G-O")
to your Daddy this Sunday:
There was a man who had a child
And Daddy was his name-o
And Daddy was his name-o

Then ask him to read you this gift from me:

Perhaps you could wrap a gift for your Dad, too . . .
maybe some Pop-tarts or popsicles or popcorn.
Or maybe you could make him a card or coupon
and of course, give him a big hug and kiss, too.

Have a Dddddelightful Daddy's Day!

Love, Grandma

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oo is for Ocean

Oh, what fun I had going to Oregon on vacation
with our whole entire family
. . . and being there when all eight boys saw
the ocean for the very first time!

Besides some seashells, salt water taffy, and a Christmas ornament;
this is the picture book I brought home as a souvenir.
It is a cute story about a Mom and her baby's
adventure just getting to the beach.
Maybe you can look for it at the library sometime or . . .
better yet, I could read my book to you the next time I see you.

In the meantime, find your Oo puzzle pieces
for your Alpha-Book . . .or make an
"ocean" in Chapter Oo of your book by painting one page
blue and gluing on pictures of fishes, whales, octopus, etc. . .
or you could make a vacation memory jar
with the seashells you collected!

Have an Ooooutstanding day!
Love, Grandma

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vv is for Vacation

I love to go on vacations. I also love to bring home a souvenir or two as a reminder of interesting places and good times. Sometimes it is just a postcard or Christmas ornament. Sometimes it has been a birdcage or teapot. Great-Grandma Hawkes liked to collect mugs from every state and country she visited. She had a big collection she kept all together on shelves in her home. Recently, I started a vacation collection, too . . . picture books from the places I've visited. One of my favorite books is pictured above. I got it last fall from guess where?
"Counting Our Way to Maine" is about a family going on a vacation to Maine with babies, dogs and bicyles to pack; bathrooms to stop at and ice cream cones to eat; sandcastles to build, blueberries to pick, and clams to dig up . . . and a lot of counting on the way!
Guess what?! Very soon you'll be going on vacation, too
so maybe you should pack up a few of your favorite books to look at on the way.
Have a Vvvvvery fun vacation!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ss is for Summer

Winter . . . spring . . . summer . . . fall
There are seasons . . . four in all.
Weather changes . . . sun and rain and snow
Leaves fall down . . . and flowers grow!

Last week it snowed one day. This weekend it rained. And later this week it will get hot! It's like we've had three seasons in just one week.

But since most of you are out of school now, and already starting your summer activities . . . let's pretend today is the first day of summer.

Sing a song of summer! (see "Oo is for Oh" post) then look at four seasons books like the cute picture books shown here. They are by the same author and illustrator as "Mouse's First Valentine" . . . "Mouses' First Halloween" . . . and "Mouse's First Christmas" which are board books some of you boys have at home.

Don't forget to glue the Ss puzzle pieces in Chapter Ss of your Alpha-Book, too. (I'm sorry, Jack, I'm so slow sending you your puzzle pieces . . . but I'll see you this weekend with them!)

Have a Ssssssuper summer!
Love, Grandma