Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry day after Christmas

I spy with my little eye
someone who turns five
the day after Christmas!

Can you guess this guy's five favorite things?

What is his favorite book?
"Fisher Prices Little People Welcome to Our Town"
What is his favorite color?
blue (and pink!)
What is his favorite food?
Ramen Noodles
What is his favorite show?
"Ninjago" or "Phineas & Ferb"
What is his favorite thing to do?
"Open presents on Christmas Eve" is what he answered,
but it was just a few days before Christmas . . .
we all know the real answer is play video games like "Mario"

Happy Birthday Eddy!
Love, Grandma


  1. My boys guess...
    Fave book: Skippyjon Jones
    Fave color: blue
    Fave food: pizza
    Fave show: Ninjago
    Fave thing to do: play the Wii
    Happy Birthday Eddy!

  2. His favorite thing to do is definitely play video games!! Jack's guesses - Fave color: blue, fave food: candy, fave show: TMNT
    Happy Birthday Eddy-Psghetti!
