Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Day!

I spy with my little eye
all the itty bitty bits of Christmas
answers from A to Z!
A is for angel
B is for bear
C is for cookies
D is for December
E is for eggnog
F is for fox
G is for green
H is for Happy Holidays
I is for itty bitty
J is for jingle bells
K is for Kris Kringle
L is for letters
M is for Mary and . . .
N is for nutcracker
O is for ornament
P is for puzzle
Q is for quiet
R is for red
S is for star
T is for tree
U is for up
V is for village
W is for white
X is for eXcited
Y is for yum
Z is for zzzzzzz!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this mom, Wade had lots of fun checking back everyday to see what letter was next!
