Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ee is for Easter and Eleven

April 8 Happy Easter . . . Happy Spring . . .

Happy Birthday let us sing!

This young man turns 11 years old today!
Do you know 11 facts about Zach?

1. What is Zach's favorite color?
2. What is Zach's favorite book?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
3. What is Zach's favorite show?
4. What is Zach's favorite song?
"Tonight Tonight"
5. What is Zach's favorite subject in school?
6. What is Zach's favorite thing to do after school?
ride his bike
7. What is Zach's favorite snack?
baby cucumbers
8. What is Zach's favorite food?
shrimp, steak, and meatballs in spaghetti or sub sandwiches
9. What is one of Zach's wishes?
to live next door to his best friend, Braden
10. What does Zach want to be when he grows up?
a video game tester
11. Where did Zach's 11th finger come from?

Happy Birthday Zach!
Love, Grandma


  1. Eddy guesses . . .
    1. pink (eddy's favorite)
    2. Indy (as in Indiana Jones)
    3. Football
    4. I'm a Child of God
    5. writing or learning
    6. play Castle Crashers, eat lunch or somethin'
    7. marshmallow
    8. marshmallows
    9. pishes (do you know what pishes is, # and letter writing) (who knew?!) (ps. eddy likes to make up new words that rhyme with other words and create their definitions).
    10. maybe a lion
    11. Brody!

  2. Those are all hard questions! I'll take a few guesses but I doubt I'll be right...
    1. Blue
    2. Where the sidewalk ends
    3. Phineas and Ferb
    4. Phineas and Ferb theme song
    5. Play practice
    6. Play computer
    7. Anything
    8. Anything
    9. To have a baby sister!
    10. A zombie
    11. Brody!
    Happy birthday Zach!

  3. Jack and Ryan guess:
    1. black
    2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    3. Sponge Bob
    4. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
    5. Computers
    6. video games
    7. candy
    8. shrimp
    9. to be rich
    10. video game salesman!
    11. Brodskey
