Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tt is for Think Spring

March brings spring!

Today is the first official day of spring--
whether it looks like it or not.
Pick and choose one thing to do each day of "think spring" week
and before you know it, spring will have sprung!

Have a pajama day.
Wear your pajamas all day one day
because we are putting winter to bed!

Do some spring reading . . .

Become a bird lover!
Listen for birds chirping outside . . . create a curly bird
. . . finger paint some birds on a branch . . .
make a nest . . . eat a nest!

Go on a spring scavenger hunt!
Take a nature walk outside and look for signs of spring such as
a blue sky, a fluffy white cloud, some green grass,
a daffodil or crocus or other flower,
a puddle, a worm, baby ducks at a pond,
a tree with buds, a tree with blossoms,
a nest or birds flying in the sky.

Sing a song of spring!
You could sing "The Four Seasons" song or . . .
"I looked out the window and what did I see? . . ."
(make some pink popcorn afterwards)

Easter is just around the corner . . .
Guess how many eggs are in Grandma's basket!
Win a bonus prize and guess what is inside
the eggs inside Grandma's basket .

Fly a kite!

by Mark Sawyer

A kite, a sky, and a good firm breeze,
And acres of ground away from trees,
And one hundred yards of clean,
strong string--
O boy, O boy! I call that Spring!

Happy "Think Spring" Week!
Love, Grandma


  1. Thanks for all these springy ideas mom, helps me keep this bored two year old busy!

  2. Brody guesses 20 eggs in your Easter basket. And they are filled with Easter candy...he hopes!

  3. We guess 24 eggs filled with jelly beans!
