Monday, March 19, 2012

Cc is for Coltin

March 19 is another Cousin's birthday!

Guess five facts about this brand new five-year-old:
1. What is Coltin's favorite color?
the whole rainbow
2. What is Coltin's favorite food?
3. What is Coltin's favorite movie?
Cars 2
4. What is Coltin's favorite toy?
all of his toys!
5. What is Coltin's favorite thing to do with his Dad?
play Candyland

Happy Birthday Coltin!
Love, Grandma


  1. Zach and Brody have no school today and both came up with these guesses!
    1. green
    2. pizza
    3. Cars
    4. Cars
    5. watch movies
    Happy Birthday Coltin!

  2. 1. red
    2. pizza
    3. Cars 2
    4. cars
    5. puzzles!?
