Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry day after Christmas

I spy with my little eye
someone who turns five
the day after Christmas!

Can you guess this guy's five favorite things?

What is his favorite book?
"Fisher Prices Little People Welcome to Our Town"
What is his favorite color?
blue (and pink!)
What is his favorite food?
Ramen Noodles
What is his favorite show?
"Ninjago" or "Phineas & Ferb"
What is his favorite thing to do?
"Open presents on Christmas Eve" is what he answered,
but it was just a few days before Christmas . . .
we all know the real answer is play video games like "Mario"

Happy Birthday Eddy!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Day!

I spy with my little eye
all the itty bitty bits of Christmas
answers from A to Z!
A is for angel
B is for bear
C is for cookies
D is for December
E is for eggnog
F is for fox
G is for green
H is for Happy Holidays
I is for itty bitty
J is for jingle bells
K is for Kris Kringle
L is for letters
M is for Mary and . . .
N is for nutcracker
O is for ornament
P is for puzzle
Q is for quiet
R is for red
S is for star
T is for tree
U is for up
V is for village
W is for white
X is for eXcited
Y is for yum
Z is for zzzzzzz!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry 1 day before Christmas!

I spy with my little eye
the last itty bitty bits of Christmas!

I was so _ X _ _ _ _ _
to finally finish this project full of x's
that I wanted to say hooray!

Santa will say Y_ _
if he sees a treat on your table
like this tonight.

And you better be saying Z _ _ _ _
before he comes!

Best wishes for sweet Christmas Eve dreams!
Love, Grandma

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry 2 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter S
S _ _ _

Hint: A brand new one was shining in the sky
on the night baby Jesus was born.
Read about another bright one in this book.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry 3 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter E
E _ _ _ _ _

Hint: It's a rich, thick holiday beverage
enjoyed around Christmastime
(especially in the White household!)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry 4 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter C

C _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: Some of the most delicious things to
make, bake, and decorate in December!
But please don't become one of these!

Maybe these are what filled up my moose cookie jar
on November 12?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry 5 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter B
B _ _ _

Hint: I made this little ornament for someone's
"beary" first Christmas.  Guess whose?

Hint #2: Happy one-month birthday
today Parker Evan Shaw! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry 6 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter Q
Q_ _ _ _

Hint: Sometimes you need a break from all
the holiday hustle and bustle and could
use a little peace and q _ _ _ _.
You may find some in a book like this one.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry 7 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter U


Hint: The place where your stocking better be
hanging in just one more week!
Hint #2: The place where the reindeer pause
in a favorite Christmas carol that also starts with this word.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry 8 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter H

H _ _ _ _  H_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: Something you can say this festive time of year
instead of Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Merry 9 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter M
M _ _ _

Hint: She is the mother of baby Jesus.
Learn how to spell another  "M _ _ _ _"
when you print off this page.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Merry 10 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
 itty bitty bits of Christmas
that all begin with the letter L
L _ _ _ _ _ _
Hint: Obviously these itty bitty bits of Christmas are a
  "C" . . . "J" . . . "R" . . . "W" but collectively they are
  called  l_ _ _ _ _ _!
These are only 4 of the 12 special ornaments on this 
Christmas tree. Do you know what they stand for?
(P.S. . . Look here for an easy holiday craft project)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Merry 11 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter K
K_ _ _  K_ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: This guy has different names in different countries.
In Germany his name is a variant of the
German word for "Christ Child".
What do we usually call him in our country?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Merry 12 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
Christmas decorations that are so small
you could say they start with the letter I

I _ _ _  b_ _ _ _

Hint: These decorations are as small as my thumb
and are sitting in my kitchen window sill.
You, too, can make a very small Christmas decoration
 that starts with the letter "I"  like these .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Merry 13 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that begins with the letter T
T _ _ _

Hint: In this forest of 12 t_ _ _ s  there is only
one real Christmas t_ _ _. Which one?

Happy 12 on the 12th!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry 14 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter P
P _ _ _ _ _

Hint: Grandpa and I like to put together things
like this especially at Christmas time!
You can use old leftover pieces to create
cute crafts, too . . . like this.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Merry 15 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter N
N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: It is a character in a famous ballet by the same name.
Grandpa owns a CD with the music from this ballet
and Grandma owns a Christmas picture book
 by Mary Engelbreit with the story!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Merry 16 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter A
A _ _ _ _ _

Hint: Listen or sing this song!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Merry 17 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty of Christmas
that starts with the letter V

V _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: It's another word for little town.
You're welcome to play with mine whenever
 you come to visit or . . . you can make one
of your own out of recycled cardboard boxes!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Merry 18 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter F
F _ _

Hint: This is one of my favorite ornaments
hanging on our Christmas tree. If you're
wondering what this forest creature has to do with
Christmas, then you must read this book!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Merry 19 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter W

W _ _ _ _

Hint: It's the color of Christmas we're all dreaming of.
While you wait, try some online coloring!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Merry 20 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter O

O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint: Here is one I got as a souvenir from
our fall vacation to hang on our tree

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Merry 21 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter R
R _ _

Hint: Watch a show or sing a song about a reindeer
with a nose this color or . . .
enjoy a cute tasty treat  this holiday color!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Merry 22 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter J
J _ _ _ _ _  b _ _ _ _

Hint: Sing the song that starts: "Dashing through the snow . . . "

Sunday, December 2, 2012

23 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter G.

G _ _ _ _
Hint: It's a color you see a lot in December on
garlands, trees, wreaths and
even on this fun little craft project.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

24 days before Christmas

I spy with my little eye
an itty bitty bit of Christmas
that starts with the letter D!

D _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hint:  Look on the calendar . . . or the top of this blog . . .
it's the month Christmas comes!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cc is for Countdown

Big C . . . little c . . . what begins with Cc?
A countdown to Christmas
coming soon. . . just wait and see!

Beginning the first day of December you will find lots of
"itty bitty bits" of Christmas on this blog.
Each day try to read a book . . . or sing a song
. . . or eat a treat . . . or create a craft . . .
or do any other fun activity you think of
when you see the picture/word-of-the day.
Maybe it will make the long wait until Christmas
pass a little bit faster (or at least a little bit funner!?)

Merry Christmas Countdown!
Love, Grandma

Thursday, November 22, 2012

T is for Turkey--a True Thanksgiving Story
by Tanya Lee Stone

H is for handprint turkeys

A is for apple turkeys

N is for nut-filled turkeys

K is for kid table-top turkey

G obble and giggle in "Twas the Night Before
Thanksgiving" by Dav Pilkey

I spy with my little eye lots of things to be thankful for in
"Count Your Blessings" by  Patricia Reeder Eubank

"V ery First Thanksgiving Day!"
by  Rhonda Gowler Creene
"I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie"
by Alison Jackson

N umbers 1-12 in "This First Thanksgiving Day"
a counting story by Laura Krauss Melmed

G ather together with family, friends and good food
and it all adds up to a happy


Love, Grandma


Monday, November 12, 2012

Cc is for Cookies

November 12

I just love to make cookies!
Can you guess what kind of cookies these
are including a mystery variety inside the moose cookie jar!
Tell me what are your favorite kind of cookies, too
and maybe . . . just maybe I will make you some!

Happy 12 on the 12th!
Love, Grandma 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bb is for Boo!

. . . is for broomsticks witches fly

. . . is for orgres, monsters and spooks that go by

. . . is for orange pumpkins so bright.
These are the signs of a Halloween night!

Happy Halloween to my favorite pirates, potato  heads, hobos,
super heroes, forest creatures, bumblebees and bats!

Love, Grandma

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cc is for Candy

October 12
This is a test of your candy I.Q. before the sweetest/treatiest
day of the year arrives.  Guess what is in each of these
12 bowls.  Any and all correct answers will earn you
a fabulous--and quite possibly sweet--prize!

Happy 12 on the 12th!
Love, Grandma

Excellent guesses Eddy, Jack and Ryan!
In case anyone else is wondering: 1) ghost marshmallows . . .
 2) Nerds. . .  3) peanutbutter M&Ms . . .  4) mini Hershey bars . . .
5) Tootsie Pops . . . 6) mini Reese's peanutbutter cups . . .
7) Almond Joys . . . 8) gummy worms . . . 9) Hershey kisses . . .
10) Smarties . . . 11) candy corn . . . 12) Jr. Mints

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bb is for Birthday Boys

Big B . . . little b . . .
What begins with Bb?

Two birthday boys born on the same day!
October 11 
Guess how old big boy Brody will be?
Guess seven of his favorite things . . .
What is his favorite book?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
What is his favorite show?
Fairly Odd Parents
What is his favorite food?
Shells and Cheese
What is his favorite thing to do or subject in school?
What is his favorite thing to do after school?
Eat snacks, play games with Zach,
and play with friends
What is one of his wishes?
"To be in love"
(his exact words--which puzzle/worry his Mom)
What does he want to be when he grows up?
Police Officer

Guess how old little boy Nash will be?
What do you think is one of his favorite things?
Making noise so he is noticed!
(and all the other things his Mom mentioned!)

Happy birthday cute boys!
Love, Grandma