Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wild Wiry "W"

Well, today is the day you can work on another part of your Alpha-Bug. Please pull out the paper plate with an upper-case W on the front of it. While you're at it, please pull out the baggie with a lower-case w inside it as well as some paper clips. Paper clips are made out of wire, so please slip those paper clips into slits on the paper plate W. Well, what do you know? Now you have a wild wiry "W" to add to your Alpha-Bug's winding body! Would you like to read a story now? "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak is a good story for wild little boys. Would you like to eat a worm? A real worm probaby doesn't sound so good. Maybe a gummy worm would be better. Or maybe a gummy worm in a dirt cup would be the best of all!

Have a wonderful, but not too wild, day!

Love, Grandma

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