Monday, August 15, 2011

Vegetable Vine "V"

It would be very nice if you could pull out your paper plate with an upper-case V on the front of it. It would be very nice if you could also pull out the baggie with a lower-case v inside of it. You will see some vegetable stickers and little green leaves to stick onto your upper-case V. With a green colored pencil or marker you could draw some vines, too. Then you will have a very nice vegetable vine "V" to add to your Alpha-Bug! "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle would be a very good book to read today. If it makes you very hungry, try making a veggie viper. Cut carrot and celery stalks into 1-inch pieces. Spread a little cream cheese at each sliced end and place the pieces end to end in a long coiled row on top of a lettuce leaf to form a snake. Add a cherry tomato for the head, and cut a forked tongue from a thin slice of carrot.

Have a very nice day!

Love, Grandma

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