Congratulations on the great job you all did building an Alpha-Bug this summer. Your tickets will be coming soon and so will Grandma's X-Box Shop! For now, would you take just a minute to guess what the letter "J" might be hiding . . .
1. Who turned 5 years old in January and just
started kindergarten last week?
2. Who jumped into a pool one day this summer
and just suddenly knew how to swim?
3. Who sleeps in a top bunk bed?
4. Who has just one little brother right now?
5. Who will have one new baby brother in October?
6. Who loves to build with legoes and draw with
markers and crayons and is just so creative?
Guess who "Jj is for . . ." then tell me your favorite thing about this mystery person and win a bonus ticket! Draw a picture or glue a photograph in Chapter Jj of your Alpha-Book, too!
Just have a jolly day!
Love, Grandma
J is for Jack!