Monday, June 13, 2011

A is for Alpha-Bug

Welcome to our Alpha-Bug summer craft project! During your break from school, we are going to make a big long bug with body parts from A to Z. Every few days I will post new instructions for each letter of the alphabet plus an activity idea or two. You can earn one ticket for each letter of the alphabet body part you make AND a bonus surprise if you complete the entire Alpha-Bug by the end of summer! So let's get started . . .

Step One:

Find your summer sack and pull out one plain paper plate, one pipe cleaner and two googly eyes. You can use these supplies to make a head for your Alpha-Bug. I made a cute girly bug, but you can make one that is creepy or cute or crazy or anything else you want.

Step Two:

Look inside your summer sack again and find a paper plate that has an upper-case letter A on the front of it. Then find a little bag with a lower-case a inside along with a few random alphabet stickers. Cover the upper-case letter A with the alphabet stickers.

Step Three:

Now your Alpha-Bug needs a place to hang out this summer. Maybe you could hang it on the wall of your bedroom or down the wall of the hallway . . . unless your Mom says "No bugs in the house", then you might have to hang it on the walls of the garage?

Step Four:

You deserve a break after all that hard work. How about a buggy snack like Ants on a Log while you look at a buggy book like ANTics! by Cathi Hepworth.

Have an awesome Alpha-buggy day!

Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the fun summer project Grandma. We're done with this first step and I'm trying to keep Jack from wanting to finish all at once!
