Friday, June 24, 2011

Fancy Flowered "F"

Do you feel like making more Alpha-Bug today? Then find the paper plate with an upper-case letter F on the front of it; and find a little baggie filled with flowers and the lower-case letter f. Cover the paper plate F with the little flowers. When you're finished, hang it up with the rest of your Alpha-Bug! Have you figured out where my Alpha-Bug is hanging? Now, just for fun, make a fruit flower. Place a kiwi slice (or any roundish fruit) on the center of a plate. Arrange slices of bananas, strawberries, or other fruit around the center to look like a daisy. Make a stem with little blueberries. . . or be super fancy and make flower pot sundaes to feast on while someone reads you a flowery story like "Alison's Zinnia" by Anita Lobel.

Have a fabulously fun day!

Love, Grandma

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