Monday, April 4, 2011

Qq is for Quiet

SHHHH! You know that means stop making noise and be quiet! Some things that are quiet are snowing falling from the sky . . . the sun rising in the morning . . . and the stars shining at night. Some times to be quiet are when you are visiting the library . . . or when you are listening at primary or preschool . . . or when you are hiding in a game of hide-and-seek. It's also nice to be quiet when you are trying to fall asleep at bedtime or when your Mommy is talking on the telephone. I know that little boys would much rather be making a lot of noise, but have you ever played the quiet game? Maybe you could try being quiet for a half hour by taking a short nap or looking at books or playing quietly in your room today or everyday. Your Mommy might like a peace of quiet and that might be worth a ticket every time you try it. Or how about ten tickets for one whole day of no TV or video games! You would have lots of time to look at quiet books like these:

Five Minutes' Peace by Jilly Murphy

The Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood

This Quiet Lady by Charlotte Zolotow

Sounds and Shhhhh by Carol Lynn Pearson

Happy Quiet Time!

Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Jack is up for the no TV/video game challenge tomorrow...should be interesting!
