Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bb is for Babies

You may wonder if doing the alphabet backwards this year has confused me . . . but don't worry. I haven't gone bonkers throwing this "Bb" in out of nowhere. The day after the birth of a brand new baby boy--Owen Brady Pickett--seemed like a perfectly lovely day to talk about babies.

Besides that, it's also a big day because now I have ten grandchildren. That's every single finger and thumb on two hands if you're counting! It also seems like a good day for another guessing game.

Look at all the baby photos above and below and guess which one might be you . . . which one might be your mom . . . and who are the rest of the cutest babies in the world? Correct guesses are worth big bucks (I mean tickets) to the X-box Shop grand-opening in only one more week!

Happy Birthday baby Owen!
Love, Grandma


  1. I feel so stupid because I know each picture except which one is me, so don't make fun if I guess wrong!
    a- Zach
    b- Luke
    c- Brody
    d- Coltin
    e- Tom?
    f- Emily
    g- Betsy
    h- Shelly
    i- Lindsay
    j- Me (I hope!)
    k- Owen!
    l- Ryan
    m- Jack
    n- Eddy
    o- Waders!

  2. The boys (and me) have this figured out! a-Zach, b-Lukers, c-Brody, d-Coltin, e-Tom, f-Emily, g-Betsy Wetsy, h-Shelly, i-Lindsay, j-Hayley, k-Owen, l-Ryan, m-Jack, n-Eddy, o-Wade! And, no, we didn't just copy Hayley. She didn't even know her own picture, for heaven's sake!

  3. I've got this, apparently Emily doesn't know her own picture either because I have f:Shelly and h: emily. I'm totally right too.

  4. Ha! I totally know I'm h and Shelly is f! I don't know how that happened! This is driving me crazy! My boys thought it was Luke with a mohawk and then laughed and laughed when I told them it was me!

  5. Ooh--we're late to the game...busy week! Just reading over how Emily got her own picture wrong, but I'm sure it was a mistake since we didn't exactly look alike! I helped Jack obviously, but before we guessed anyone I told him to pick out him and Ryan and he did!
    a-Zach, b-Luke, c-Brodski, d-Coltin, e-Tom, f-me, g-Bets, h-Em, i-Lulu, j-Hay, k-Big-O, l-Ry-boy, m-Jack, n-Edders, o-Wade
