Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zz is for Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!

Remember that song you hear in Disneyland at the end of the "Splash Mountain" ride? Well, sing along with me to this version:
My oh my what a wonderful day
We finished the alphabet--
all of the way
and hip-hip-hooray!
Have you finished coloring or gluing letters and pictures in every chapter from Aa to Zz of your Alpha-Book? I sure would like to look at it sometime. But for now, you had better catch a few Zzzzzzz's (rest up) because we're starting all over with more alphabet adventures again next week! (And you should have your end-of-the-alphabet surprise by then, too!)
Congratulations on your successful trip to the letter Zz!
Love, Grandma

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