Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ee is for Eat

I love to eat Asparagus . . . BROWNIES . . . Chicken cordon bleu . . .

Deviled Eggs. . .Frosties . . . German chocolate cake . . .

Hobo hash . . . Idaho potatoes . . . Jam(apricot) . . .

Krispy Kreme doughnuts . . .Life cereal . . .

Mandarin lemon chicken . . . Nuts of all kinds . . .Oatmeal muffins . . .

Peanutbutter, jelly and banana sandwiches

(with a side of chocolate milk)

Raspberries . . . Shrimp . . . Toasted cheese sandwiches

with Tomato soup . . .Veggie squares . . . Waffles . . .

cheX miX . . . and Zuchinni nut muffins

How about you? What do you love to eat? Make a list of at least eight great eats in Chapter Ee . Go eat a quick snack and then . . . show or tell me about your favorite food . . .
and win another fabulous (possibly edible) prize!

Happy Eating!
Love, Grandma


  1. Eddy Otis loves to eat popsicles, chicken noodle soup, french fries, hot dogs, fruit snacks, whip cream, and his favorite veggies are mushrooms and asapargus. He even loves shrimp and lobster.

  2. Jack LOVES to eat fruit of any kind--even prunes! He also loves chicken nuggets, waffles, fruit snacks, turkey sandwiches from Jimmy Johns (homemade is not the same), cereal, and cheeseburgers.

  3. Wade loves Gerber Puffs, Cheerios, Crackers, and any fruit flavored baby food. He loves to try new things though, he'll eat just about anything you offer him...especially if he isn't supposed to have it!

  4. Brody eats Eggoes, bananas, chocolate milk, bologna sandwiches, string cheese, noodles, hot dogs, and chicken. And especially loves chocolate. Anytime he asks for anything to eat he'll add "with NO green things on it." Zach and Luke seem to enjoy eating anything and everything!
