Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dd is for Dog

Jack has a dog named Lola
Eddy has a dog named Sadie
Wade (who is not in this picture) has a dog named Trigger. To see Wade and his dog look here.
Brody wishes he had a dog!
Believe it or not, Grandma once upon a time had a dog named Tinker.

She even let him touch her once.
Draw a picture of your dog (real or dream) in Chapter Dd of your alpha-book. Some other fun things to do today: watch a dog DVD like 101 Dalmations or Lady and the Tramp . . . read a dog book like Clifford the Big Red Dog or Blue's Clues or my favorite: Skippyjon Jones books which are really about a cat who imagines he is a dog! Then you can be a "D"etective and look for Dd letters and pictures to glue in your alpha-book. One more fun game to play involves parents and post-it notes. Have your Mom or Dad write different letters of the alphabet (especially lots of Dd's) on post-it notes and put them all over the house. If you have a magnifying glass, use it to be the "D"etective and find all the Dd's.
Have a doggone happy day. Love, Grandma


  1. Jack requested we read the new dog book he got for his birthday from Dana: Walter the Farting Dog. Is that one in your collection grandma!?

  2. PS--that is one stylish living room in the background of the photo with you as a kid. Not kidding--I wish some of that stuff was still around!

  3. Yes, I have always loved that matador lamp.
