Monday, January 11, 2010

Bb is for Books

Last week Grandpa and I visited Jack who loves to play
with someone new (or old?) He would bring out a bin full of cars and ask us to race with him. He would bring out a bin of superhero figures and ask us to play "superhero". He would come out wearing a helmet, carrying two plastic swords and ask us to fight. Sometimes he would invite us to his room to read books. "Finally, something I know how to do," I thought. Alas I learned there is a "Jack way" of reading books, too. First I read a page, then Jack "read" a page, back and forth. He obviously knew the stories pretty well, but "read" them far better than the way they were written!
If you ever get the chance, you must read a book with Jack. In the meantime, read a book with your Mom or Dad . . . maybe Gyo Fujikawa's "Oh, What a Busy Day!" Once upon a time when Emily and Shelly were little girls, they loved this book so much we read it constantly, and we had to stop on every page for them to choose which cute character they wanted to "be". So, whether you read books Jack's way or your Mom's way . . .
Happy reading!
Love, Grandma
P.S. Find the Bb's to glue in chapter B of your alpha-book, too!


  1. This is perfect since we just came back from the library with new books! Thanks Grandma
