"Oh, What A Busy Day" may have been the first picture book we owned, but not the last. It was so cute, I started collecting more picture books . . . first for our family, then for my little preschool . . . and now for my grandboys (and myself). Here are a few favorite ABC books:

Aa is for
A to Z Picture Book by Gyo Fujikawa
Bb is for
Alpha Bugs . . . a pop-up alphabet by Carter
Cc is for
The Care Bears' Book of ABC's by Peggy Kahn
Dd is for ABC Disney . . . an alphabet pop-up by Sabuda

Ee is for
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Ff is for
Alphabite! A funny feast from A to Z by Charles Reasoner
Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words by Jane O'Connor

Gg is for the girl gardeners in
Alizon's Zinnia by Lobel
Hh is for
The Hullabaloo ABC by Beverly Cleary
Ii is for
It beings with an A by Stephanie Calmenson
and an "I Spy" kind of book called
Alphabet Book by DK Publishing
Jj is for the jack-in-the-box cover of
Alphabatics by Suse MacDonald
Kk is for kisses in
Little Angels' Alphabet of Love by Anglund
Ll is for
Lucy & Tom's a.b.c. by Hughes
Mm is for
Mary Engelbreit's A Merry Little Christmas
On Market Street by Arnold and Anita Lobel
The Monster Book of ABC Sounds by Alan Snow
Nn is for the nails used in
Albert's Alphabet by Leslie Tryon
Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
Oo is for
Oscar-the-Grouch's Alphabet of Trash

Pp is for
Shiver Me Letters: a Pirate ABC by June Sobel
26 Princesses by Dave Horowitz
In a Pumpkin Shell: a Mother Goose abc by Joan Walsh Anglund
Qq is for quilts featured in
Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabetby Ann Whitford Paul
Rr is for
Read Anything Good Lately? Susan Allen and Jane Lindaman

Ss is for
Miss Spider's ABC by David Kirk
Tt is for
Toot & Puddles ABC by Holly Hobbie
Uu is for
ABC's of Uniforms and Outfits by Barbara William
Vv is for vacation books like
Journey Around Washginton, D.C. from A to Z by Martha Day Zschock
M is for Mount Rushmore: A South Dakota Alphabet by Anderson
Ww is for
Who's in the Box, Bobby? by Pat Paris
Xx is for the missing "x" in
Alphabet Mystery by Wood
Yy is for
A You're Adorable . . . a song illustrated by Martha Alexander
Zz is for
Alphabeep: a Zipping, Zooming ABC by Debora Pearson
What is your favorite book(s)?
Make a little list in your alpha-book . . . and tell me, too!
You just might be the winner of the first fabulous prize
awarded on this blog!
Happy booking! Love, Grandma