Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cc is for Cupcake

I looked on the calendar and what did I see?

A birthday coming soon in January!

Guess whose? Here's four clues:

Four things you can do to celebrate:

1. Glue the contents of your envelope into Chapter C

2. Glue a favorite cute picture of Jack into Chapter J

3. Create a birthday card for Jack or call and sing to him

4. Eat a cupcake!

Happy Birthday Jack!

Love, Grandma

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bb is for more Books

"Oh, What A Busy Day" may have been the first picture book we owned, but not the last. It was so cute, I started collecting more picture books . . . first for our family, then for my little preschool . . . and now for my grandboys (and myself). Here are a few favorite ABC books:

Aa is for A to Z Picture Book by Gyo Fujikawa
Bb is for Alpha Bugs . . . a pop-up alphabet by Carter
Cc is for The Care Bears' Book of ABC's by Peggy Kahn
Dd is for ABC Disney . . . an alphabet pop-up by Sabuda

Ee is for Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Ff is for Alphabite! A funny feast from A to Z by Charles Reasoner
and Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words by Jane O'Connor

Gg is for the girl gardeners in Alizon's Zinnia by Lobel
Hh is for The Hullabaloo ABC by Beverly Cleary
Ii is for It beings with an A by Stephanie Calmenson
and an "I Spy" kind of book called Alphabet Book by DK Publishing

Jj is for the jack-in-the-box cover of Alphabatics by Suse MacDonald
Kk is for kisses in Little Angels' Alphabet of Love by Anglund
Ll is for Lucy & Tom's a.b.c. by Hughes

Mm is for Mary Engelbreit's A Merry Little Christmas
and On Market Street by Arnold and Anita Lobel
and The Monster Book of ABC Sounds by Alan Snow

Nn is for the nails used in Albert's Alphabet by Leslie Tryon
and Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
Oo is for Oscar-the-Grouch's Alphabet of Trash

Pp is for Shiver Me Letters: a Pirate ABC by June Sobel
and 26 Princesses by Dave Horowitz
and In a Pumpkin Shell: a Mother Goose abc by Joan Walsh Anglund
Qq is for quilts featured in Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabetby Ann Whitford Paul
Rr is for Read Anything Good Lately? Susan Allen and Jane Lindaman

Ss is for Miss Spider's ABC by David Kirk
Tt is for Toot & Puddles ABC by Holly Hobbie
Uu is for ABC's of Uniforms and Outfits by Barbara William
Vv is for vacation books like
Journey Around Washginton, D.C. from A to Z by Martha Day Zschock
and M is for Mount Rushmore: A South Dakota Alphabet by Anderson

Ww is for Who's in the Box, Bobby? by Pat Paris
Xx is for the missing "x" in Alphabet Mystery by Wood

Yy is for A You're Adorable . . . a song illustrated by Martha Alexander
Zz is for Alphabeep: a Zipping, Zooming ABC by Debora Pearson

What is your favorite book(s)?
Make a little list in your alpha-book . . . and tell me, too!
You just might be the winner of the first fabulous prize
awarded on this blog!
Happy booking! Love, Grandma

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bb is for Books

Last week Grandpa and I visited Jack who loves to play
with someone new (or old?) He would bring out a bin full of cars and ask us to race with him. He would bring out a bin of superhero figures and ask us to play "superhero". He would come out wearing a helmet, carrying two plastic swords and ask us to fight. Sometimes he would invite us to his room to read books. "Finally, something I know how to do," I thought. Alas I learned there is a "Jack way" of reading books, too. First I read a page, then Jack "read" a page, back and forth. He obviously knew the stories pretty well, but "read" them far better than the way they were written!
If you ever get the chance, you must read a book with Jack. In the meantime, read a book with your Mom or Dad . . . maybe Gyo Fujikawa's "Oh, What a Busy Day!" Once upon a time when Emily and Shelly were little girls, they loved this book so much we read it constantly, and we had to stop on every page for them to choose which cute character they wanted to "be". So, whether you read books Jack's way or your Mom's way . . .
Happy reading!
Love, Grandma
P.S. Find the Bb's to glue in chapter B of your alpha-book, too!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aa is for Alphabet Adventures

There are 26 letters in the alphabet. Put them together and you get words. Put words together and you get stories. I am going to put them together to create projects and "adventures" for you on this blog. Each week or two I will try to write a post using a letter of the alphabet as the theme. Today's assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to hunt all over your house for the letter Aa Look in books and magazines . . . on the calendar . . . in the mail . . . on the refrigerator . . . on your bedroom wall . . . even on the front cover of the
alpha-book I gave you for Christmas.

Inside the back cover of that book is an envelope containing letters and pictures. Pull out all the letter A's and pictures of things beginning with the letter Aa, then glue them in Chapter A of your alpha-book. Happy hunting! Love, Grandma