Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Story #23

Once upon a time it was the best of times and it was the
 worst of times. A handsome, hardworking father had reached his five-year work anniversary at First Security Bank and was now entitled to three weeks of paid vacation each year. That was good news! But one day when he was driving to a business appointment on the freeway in his suit, he got a flat tire. Bad news . . . except a highway patrolman pulled up behind him and changed the tire for him. Not such bad news anymore!

His sweet, but very shy wife was called to be a Relief Society President. Bad news because she mostly worried and cried for the next six months. She was released (good news) just after her Dad (Great-Grandpa Hawkes) died (sad news).

Their first daughter, Emily became their first official
teenage daughter (scary news) and saved enough money to buy her very own black mountain bike (good news except when she used the same bike to go too far away). Their next daughter, Shelly performed 11 memorized piano pieces at her very own piano recital (good news) and was asked by a sixth- grade classmate to go steady (not good news). Their 8-year-old daughter, Betsy had read 100 books by summer and had started taking piano lessons which she was just as passionate about (good news) . . . and she had gone a whole year without stitches, too (very good news).

Their "teenage mutant ninja turtle" loving son, Tommy
 learned how to read and write in first grade (good news) and got to spend one night sleeping out in his favorite ugly green truck before the neighbor who owned it sold it (sad news for Tom). And the 2-year-old baby girl of the family, Hayley was kind of spoiled and very loved (good news) until she infected the whole family with
chicken pox (not such good news).
However, during the best of times and the worst of times this family still managed to live happily ever after.

Happy Wednesday!
Love, Grandma

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