Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Birthday Guess Who?

Check out this collage of
7 cousins
6 boys
5 readers
4 athletes
3 first graders
2 six-year-olds
and 1 brand new
7-year-old who
loves baseball, basketball, the color blue,
steak, brownies and ice cream, legos, drawing,
first grade and helping at home!

Happy Birthday Guess Who?
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hh is for a Happy Birthday Girl

For the third week in a row it's the birthday of one of your cute aunts.

When this aunt was about the same age as her
4-year-old little boy, Owen,  she had fun at the
Coral Pink Sand Dunes on a family vacation.

When she was in between the age of her two
boys, she got a lovely beauty salon for Christmas!
(even though she did not like to have her hair done)

And when she was about six years old like her
oldest son, Wade, she didn't have to steal (borrow)
the neighbors' bikes anymore when she finally got
her very own (only once owned by Tom) bike!

Now she is the cute mom of a whole family of bike
riders who all have their very own bikes!

Happy Birthday Hayley!
Love, Mom 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ee is for Another Birthday Girl

Another one of your cute aunts is having a birthday--
today in fact!

This is a picture of her on the first day of
 first-grade just before she turned six years
old--the same age of her first-grader son, Luke.

This is a picture of her just a few days before
she turned 10 years old--the same age her
son, Brody, will be in October!

And this is a picture of her when she was 13 years old
and had just bought this nice black bike with her very
own hard-earned money. I did not think she would
want me to put a picture of her when she had the
chicken pox, which is what happened to her when she
was 14 years old like her oldest son, Zach.

And this is a picture of your cute aunt who grew
up in a household of mostly girls and now lives
in a household of a lot of boys!

Happy Birthday Emily!
Love, Mom