Monday, May 26, 2014

The Amazing Summer Reading Race Begins Today!

You and your whole family are invited (challenged) to
read at least one book for every letter of the alphabet
this summer. The letter can be from the title, the main
character, the author or the subject of the book.
However, each book can only be used for one letter.

You can count the books you read alone . . . or the books
your Mom and Dad read  . . . or the books you read to a
younger sibling . . . or the books you read aloud as a family.
  Add "letter cars" to your amazing reading race track for each
book completed.  And watch out for "reading roadblocks"
on your reading racetrack. Those roadblock challenges and
 many other reading suggestions will appear on this blog
all through the summer.

Best of all . . . reading rewards can be earned
during random legs of the race and . . .  grand prizes
will be awarded to all the winners!

So start your engines
(brains) . . .
get ready
(find a book) and . . .

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