Thursday, July 12, 2012

49. I spy with my little eye . . .
twelve red, white, or blue items around my house.
Can you identify any or all of them?
1) wooden watermelon decoration . . . 2) blue table
3) flag on front door . . . 4) stars on tree
5) Fisher-Price race cars . . . 6) star marshmallows
7) wagon . . . 8) raspberries, bananas and blueberries
9) toy boat . . . 10) my "America" picture books
11) Grandpa's blue shirt . . . 12) USA bears!

Happy 12 on the 12th!


  1. 1. watermelon decoration
    2. blue kids' table
    3. flag sign
    4. stars
    5. race cars
    6. marshmallows
    7. wagon
    8. fruit
    9. toy boat
    10. calendar?
    11. Grandpa's shirt
    12. patriotic bears!

  2. Excellent guesses Shelly and Jack--except for #10. Anyone else with the right guess?
